Business Continuity Statement

It is the intention of Jobcontax to ensure that it protects its Recruitment Consultancy Services against foreseeable threats, by maintaining a Business Continuity Management (BCM) system.

This is aimed at ensuring its critical functions and services will continue to be provided during and after an incident.
The Business Continuity strategy shall be based on the requirements of ISO 22301, where a framework exists that ensures the system is maintained up to date, identifies potential disruption events, works to reduce exposure and improves resilience.
It is the JobContax’s objectives to develop cost effective resilience and damage mitigation arrangements that as a minimum, ensure compliance to statutory and other requirements placed on the organisation.

The BCM system will be implemented, tested, reviewed and improved in order to provide assurance to interested parties, of the JobContax’s abilities to respond to client needs by delivering key services and resuming normal operational performance in an optimal timeframe.

Business Continuity Plan

JobContax Recruitment

The following premises are covered in this document:

104 Upper Drumcondra Road

Dublin 9

D09 FP29



Recommended Maintenance Business Continuity Overview Purpose


Plan objectives Key staff

Staff Welfare Communicating with staff Equipment

Scenario 1 Premises incident Scenario 2

Infrastructure incident Scenario 3

Staff incident Recovery phase

Recommended Maintenance


Items to be updated regularly include:

  • Managers’ responsibilities
  • Applications (new or significant changes to existing)
  • Insurance provider and contact details
  • Internet / telephone provider and contact details
  • Staff contact details
  • IT Provider details
  • Building Managing Agent contact details

Business Continuity Overview


The purpose of this plan is to prepare our business in the event of extended service outages caused by factors beyond our control and to restore services to the widest extent possible in a minimum time frame to alleviate any disruption to all or some of our stakeholders.


The outcome of this plan is to ensure that the business is able to maintain a good level of uninterrupted service to our key stakeholders (clients and candidates)

Plan objectives

  • Serves as a guide for those implementing our business continuity plan
    • Assists in avoiding confusion experienced during a crisis by documenting, testing and reviewing recovery procedures.
    • References and points to the location of critical data.
    • Provides procedures and resources needed to assist in recovery.
    • Establishes a framework so our stakeholders have a clearer understanding of our plan if our business met with a disaster.

Key staff

If a disaster occurs the members of our team tasked with enacting this plan are:

  • Karen McHugh – Managing Director
    • Jing Jing Gong – Dublin Office Manager
    • Sheila McNeice – Galway Office Manager

Staff Welfare

It must be recognised that an incident that results in the enacting of this plan may also cause additional pressures for staff. Staff members need to be given clear direction about the priorities of the business. Managers must ensure that they monitor staff more closely to ensure that their welfare is maintained.

Staff should be aware of what their role is when a major disruption occurs. Clear and concise communication with staff is pivotal to having an organised response. Staff must be made aware of what communication methods are going to be used so they can find out the latest information, if they are going to be working from a different location than normal.

Managers who suspect that staff members have suffered undue stress or even trauma from the business disruption must consider providing assistance for those staff who have been affected.

Communicating with staff

  • Communication will be centralised from either the Managing Director or the manager depending on availability of the immediate point of contact.
  • The primary communication channel will be by mobile phone, text and email will be used as an alternative?
  • All contact details for staff are store in the JobContax Recruitment handbook and will be accessible in the event of an incident. Mobile numbers are also held on the primary contacts individual phones
  • There will be restricted information in regard to who knows specifically about the incident until it has been a cleared by the senior team.
  • If the incident needs to be communicated to the external stakeholders this will be done by the managing director only.


  • Where possible staff will be expected to work from their personal laptop / phone.
  • Any emergency equipment needed to keep the business up and running will be purchased only when the managing director has given their approval.
  • All off-site data backups are accessed through our CRM system.
  • All key staff are equipped with company ipads or laptops. Any new purchase will be done within 2 hours of assessing the need.

Scenario 1

Premises incident

A premises incident can include flood, fire, or any other disaster that renders our office inaccessible.

Step 1: Evacuation of premises & safeguarding of staff

In office hours

ActionDetailsResponsible Person(s)
1. Evacuate the buildingFollow normal fire drill procedure  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong
2. Check evacuation is completeStaff and visitor safety is the priority. Check everyone on-site has been evacuated  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong
3. Verify if incident is realIf false alarm, resume business as normal  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong
4. Call emergency services999 / 112  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong
5. Record details of any injuries sustained in the incidentUse injury form available on staff intranet  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong
6. Alert staffAlert any staff due to arrive on-site soon of the incident, and tell them to await further instructions  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong
7. Assess impactSenior team meet to assess the scale of the incident & decide next steps  Karen McHugh   Jing Jing Gong

Outside office hours

ActionDetailsResponsible Person(s)
1. First person on-site to notify managerDo not enter the buildingAll staff
2. Call emergency services999 / 112All staff
3. Alert staffAlert any staff due to arrive on-site soon of the incident, and tell them to await further instructionsAll staff
4. Assess impactSenior team meet to assess the scale of the incident & decide next stepsKaren McHugh

Step 2: Business continuity

Critical activityDetailsResponsible Person(s)
PhonesStaff to use personal mobile phones. Contact telephone provider to forward office lines to staff mobilesKaren McHugh
InternetStaff to use wifi and or home internet connections. If home connection unavailable contact local shared office providers to rent desk spaceKaren McHugh
Inform insurance companyContact detailsKaren McHugh
Inform landlordContact details  Karen McHugh
Post redirectionSpeak An PostKaren McHugh
 Inform customers If disruption is expected, inform customers via email and phone Karen McHugh

Scenario 2

Infrastructure incident

An infrastructure incident can include the loss of computer / telephony systems, internet access, or power.

The actions below are an example of how this incident could be handled – you should customise this section to suit your business

Step 1: Understand the extent of the loss

InfrastructureDetailsResponsible Person(s)
PhonesContact phone provider to ascertain extent of outage.  Karen McHugh
InternetContact internet provider to ascertain extent of outage.  Karen McHugh
Mains powerContact power provider to ascertain extent of outage. Contact details:  Karen McHugh

If outage is temporary, inform staff to stay put and await further instructions. If the outage is ongoing:

Step 2: Business continuity

Critical activityDetailsResponsible Person(s)
PhonesStaff to use personal mobile phones. Contact telephone provider to forward office lines to dedicated mobile numberKaren McHugh
InternetStaff to use accessible wifi or home internet connections. If home connection unavailable contact local co-work office providers to rent desk space.Karen McHugh
Mains powerStaff to work from home until power is restored. If power outage is widespread and staff homes are also affected contact local contact local co- work office providers to rent desk space.Karen McHugh

Scenario 3

Staff incident

A staff incident can include a sudden family emergency, injury or other event which renders a key member of staff suddenly unable to work.

The actions below are an example of how this incident could be handled – you should customise this section to suit your business

Step 1: Ensure no service interruption

Critical activityDetailsResponsible Person(s)
1. Identify interchangeable staffAll members of staff should have team members who can perform their roles, even if it is in a reduced capacity. Identify the relevant person and support them in carrying out business- critical activitiesKaren McHugh
2. Assess extent of lossIdentify whether the affected staff member’s absence is likely to be temporary, longer-term, or permanent. Keep in mind this may be a difficult period for the staff member and / or their family.Karen McHugh

If the staff loss is temporary, support the member of staff who will be filling the gap until the absent member of staff returns. If the absence is long-term or permanent:

Step 2: Business continuity

Critical activityDetailsResponsible Person(s)
1. Recruit temporary or full-time replacementFollow the standard recruitment procedure to find a full-time, part-time or fixed-term contract (as appropriate) replacement.Karen McHugh

Recovery phase

The purpose of the recovery phase is to resume normal working practises for the entire organisation. Where the impact of the incident is prolonged, normal operations may need to be delivered under new circumstances e.g. from a different building.

The actions below are an example of how the recovery phase could be handled – you should customise this section to suit your business

ActionDetailsResponsible Person(s)
1. Agree and plan the actions required to enable recovery of normal working practisesAgreed actions will be detailed in an action plan and set against time scales with responsibility for completion clearly indicated.Karen McHugh
2. Respond to any long term support needs of staffDepending on the nature of the incident, we may need to consider providing support servicesKaren McHugh
3. Publicise that there is now ‘business as usual’Inform customers through normal channels that our business is operating as normalKaren McHugh
4. Carry out a debrief of the incident and complete report to document opportunities for improvement and any lessons identifiedThis should be reviewed to ensure key actions resulting from the incident are implemented within designated time scales.Karen McHugh
5. Review this Continuity Plan in light of lessons learned from incident and the response to itImplement recommendations for improvement and update this plan. Ensure a revised version of the plan is read by all members of staff.Karen McHugh
Business Continuity